Why NOW is the Time to Get CPR Training

Has it been on your “someday” list to learn first aid and/or get CPR training? Or perhaps you’ve let your certification lapse and just need to get retrained? Maybe it’s even made your New Year’s resolutions list, but you still haven’t followed up. You’re not alone – while most people rank knowing CPR and first aid as important, very few of us take the steps to get, and stay, certified. In 2022 Harvard Medical School reported that while 65% of those in the United States report having received CPR training at one time, only 18% of us are current with training and certifications. That number is concerningly low, which is why Denver needs YOU to get trained, stat.
In case you need a little motivation, here’s why we think you should get signed up for basic CPR and first aid training in Colorado:
The confidence it brings
CPR and first aid training can empower you to feel confident in stressful, emergency situations. Knowing how to stay calm and perform helpful medical interventions when it counts the most is a much-needed set of skills. You could encounter a situation where you’re the only one present with a current certification in life-saving skills, and it could be thanks to your action that someone stays safe until professional help arrives.
You never know who will need help
We never plan for emergencies, and we can’t predict when one will strike. The loved ones around you, including babies, children, siblings, friends, or older family members could need your first aid or CPR intervention at any time. Plus being a skilled, competent “good Samaritan” for someone you don’t know can make a huge, positive, and wonderful difference in both of your lives.
You could save someone’s brain!
CPR doesn’t just support someone’s heart, it also helps maintain oxygen to the brain. Administering effective, correct CPR can preserve brain function, and also prevent other complications resulting from prolonged lack of oxygen.
Guidelines can change
The first aid and CPR you learned years ago might not be the same skills you’ll learn today at Colorado Cardiac CPR. With developments in knowledge about the human body, and with recent focus on the comfort of the aid administrator, CPR and first aid guidelines are always subject to change. By keeping current with your certification, you’ll be skilled in the most up-to-date set of knowledge and tools. Colorado Cardiac CPR is always current with the very latest updates from the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross, so you can feel confident in what you learn here.
Every moment counts
One of the most significant factors that can delay someone taking action in an emergency is the bystander effect. The bystander effect is a phenomenon that causes someone in a group to be less likely to assist a victim in an emergency. This can have drastic implications in urgent cases when someone needs CPR or first aid right away. By increasing your proficiency in these areas, you’re less likely to fall victim to this temporary “deer-in-headlights” moment.
Colorado Cardiac CPR strives to empower and equip those who take our classes to handle emergency situations. No one wants to encounter an accident or emergency, but everyone wants to feel competent and prepared if that situation arises.
At our Denver, Colorado area locations, we offer classes that cover basic CPR training, recertification, advanced skills, and much, much more. We have in-person, and hybrid options, and offer a variety of class days and times and locations to fit your schedule.
Don’t put off your good intentions any longer! We look forward to seeing you in our classes soon.
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